International Conference on
Welcome Message

Dear Colleagues,
We are honored by your presence here in thecradle of the American Revolution at what maybe looked back upon as a watershed moment. In the history of civilizations, watershed moments are obvious only in retrospect: the
Magna Carta, Martin Luther at Wittenberg, the Bill of Rights (an afterthought), the march to
Selma, and Stonewall were not immediately
recognized for their importance.
In the “hard sciences,” watershed moments are
sometimes easier to recognize. Newton’s
calculus, the invention of the microscope and
telescope, Galileo’s observation of the moons
of Jupiter, the Origin of Species, and the
discovery of the genetic code were
immediately transformational.
Watershed moments in the social sciences fall
in between. Some are recognized immediately,
but most are not.
Perhaps today will be one of the few.
Until now, for most of the stubborn problems
of our youth over the past 40 years, there have
not been any watershed moments. For
instance, Mitch Pearlstein, educator and
analyst, lists scores of programs to improve
education, none of them proving both
eective and scalable. Increased spending,
smaller classes, smaller schools, extra courses,
early childhood education, special education,
multicultural education, bilingual education,
new ways to teach teachers, new math, old
math, new reading, old reading, centralization,
decentralization, neighborhood schools,
stronger ties between schools and businesses,
and on and on. Yet student achievement over
the past several decades has at most inched
upward only a bit, in his telling.
Similar stories can be told in the areas of
childhood substance abuse, truancy and
lawbreaking, bullying, gang behavior, and teen
pregnancy. Programs abound, while the
problems at best remain unchanged.
At long last, as society struggles with the
failure of one experimental program after
another, it may finally be ready to look at root
causes. Our Conference today and tomorrow
examines root causes and their solutions. And
so our researchers may well have stories to tell
that renew hope, stories of favorable outcomes
that perhaps can be scaled up, of pathways to
success for our families.
Today, we are blessed by the gathering of the
best minds in the world on the problem at
hand. Let us imbibe their wisdom, and let us
use it to help our struggling children.
I personally feel that I will look back and say
with satisfaction, “I was there.”
With warm regards,

Conference Co-Chair
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